Progress on projects

 Well it is already April and infact it's Easter weekend!  2021 is going by far too fast.

I have been busy doing so many different things this week, although as usual, it is lots of starting things and not quite as often finishing things off.

A couple of sales (yay!) on the Etsy store ( - just incase you didn't know!) have meant I needed to get on with the final lacquer stage of some more wall plaques.  So a Home Sweet Home plaque and a new design - dur dur duh - shhh its still a secret! - have been being lacquered, as well as a new product of fridge magnets.  The biggest problem I have is that applying lacquer is a weather dependent stage as it really does have to be done outside.  The issue here is I live in Berwick-Upon-Tweed, a lovely coastal town, where it is inevitably always blowing a gale!

I promise pictures will come soon, once final lacquer layers have been applied and I get some nice product shots in the light box.  In them meantime at least you know there is a new design of wall plaque coming and some new fridge magnets! I really hope they live up to your imaginations!!!

On a more personal note, I had a meeting on monday with a lovely lady who is my contact with Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.  I've previously had working dogs, as I'm deafened, but currently for a variety of reasons I've been managing without.  Now my situation has improved and can re-apply for a new successor dog, exciting times!  Worst case scenario though is a 2 to 3 year wait but fingers crossed it won't take quite that long.

My current work in progress is a Rainbow Doodle, acrylic and ink on canvas.  I'm really enjoying working on this so I can definitely see it is going to be the first of a series.  Due to the way I design these they are definitely one off unique pieces though.  Suits me completely as I'm always looking for ways to change up my work and keep it fresh.  The pictures of are the early stage where it is mainly ink and some masked out acrylic paint.  I've now completed the design aspect and am working on adding more acrylic paint to make the design pop.  More pics will follow soon, I'm having to make sure I give it time to dry so I don't smudge anything.  Honestly this is hardest part when I'm excited and just want to keep playing!

I've also set up a business Pinterest page which I am committed to adding to regularly.  So far its in the early stages, so only one board and 3 pins, but I will definitely be making this grow as I adore Pinterest.  There will be boards for my work and musings but also for areas of inspiration - such as rainbows, family pets and nature.

So all in all I have had a busier week than i realised.  one of the things i love about sitting writing this blog is the chance to realise just how much I have already achieved.  It also definitely helps me to see what my priorities are for the coming week as well.

Nici x  ๐ŸŒˆ


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